AudioPint Workshop @ the Media Lab!

Two weeks ago, Ben, David Bouchard and I organized an AudioPint workshop at the Media Lab. The goal : for everyone to build their own AudioPint, and as a nice side effect, we get to expand our tribe of musical technologists!
We gathered at 10am on a Saturday morning, and I handed out the motherboards and power supplies that VIA has donated to the AudioPint cause. Everyone had brought a rugged box to house their 'Pint, memory for the internal computer, and some brought USB audio gear. We immediately got to work, figuring out how it would all fit inside the box. Some spent the day down in the workshop drilling holes and jig-sawing their housing, while others hacked on the linux distribution, so that it would boot cleanly from a USB pen drive. By the end of the day, we had worked out most of the technical difficulties, and AudioPints were just about ready!
photos from the AudioPint workshop can be found here
We'll be doing some AudioPint office hours over the next few weeks so that everyone can finish up their 'Pints. Then, on to some pure data patching! (to visit the AudioPint webpage, click here.
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