Mandala Piece at SIGGRAPH
Mandala is a video game that structures group musical improvisation.
SIGGRAPH Art Gallery Performance Area, Monday July 31, 2006 4-5:45pm.
Boston World Trade Center Google Map
Shawn Hershey - Acoustic and Electric Trumpet
David Merrill - PureJoy/AudioPint, Erik Nugent - Voice, Slide Bagpipe, and Other Musical Constructions
John Rice - Acoustic and Electric Bass, Chris Scharl - Acoustic and Electric Percussion
Ben Vigoda - Acoustic and Electric Guitar, All - PureJoy/AudioPint.
Designers: Bret Bjurstrom - Artwork, Shawn Hershey - Mandala Code, David Merrill - PureJoy/AudioPint, Joe Rothermich - Mandala Easy Button Hardware Interface, Ben Vigoda - Mandala Code and Principal Agitator.