Cambridge, MA

Invent Music: John Zorn Workshop

Friday, September 29, 2006

New Videos of AudioPint / PureJoy / Jamioki

The Invent Music band at SIGGRAPH2006. The music in this video was improvised in real time from beginning to end in real time with direction by the Jamioki system. Everyone was playing Dave's PureJoys for instruments, but I included some footage from people playing their acoustic instruments earlier in the show.

Ben and Dave, jamming on PureJoys

Ben, jamming on a PureJoy
We're excited to present some new video footage of the AudioPint / PureJoy / Jamioki system in action. This is footage from our performance at SIGGRAPH 2006, as well as footage from rehearsals and development. Enjoy, and please send us any feedback, comments, questions, etc..

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Build Day Update: September 23, 2006

The EMI/InventMusic crew had a successful build day last Saturday at the MIT Media Lab. Some of the highlights from the day included a demo of the AudioPint and Purejoy for Gypsy-Jazz virtuoso Stephane Wrembel. Stephane also play-tested Ben's Sustain Guitar, giving some interesting feedback about how he would use it if he had one. Dave finished laying out the circuit board for his Stream-O-Plex, a 4-channel capacitive sensing system with musical applications that will be unveiled in a few months. Joe Rothermich started down the road of building the looping pedal of the future by getting the Kraft Dancepad working in windows, and later in the weekend adapted the pad to work with the PureJoy software! The day concluded with a short PureJoy jam session, featuring Ben and Dave. See the video embedded in this post for some clips from their jam, and more of Ben rocking out here.

Friday, September 01, 2006

the ped-o-tron electronic music instrument

Here's a quick, fun, Friday afternoon project to get you in the inventmusic mood for the coming weekend. I received a free dance dance revolution (DDR) pad in the mail today from Kraft, as a part of a promotion they are running. It turns out that the pad is - electronically speaking - a USB joystick, so it was easy to connect it to pure-data and throw together a musical mapping for it in software. Watch the video to the right to see me attempt to hop out a recognizable melody on my new instrument.

I mapped each pad to a note from the C major scale, and the [select] pad in the upper left corner switches between sine wave and sawtooth wave output. Very basic, but good enough to try it out and realize that this instrument has the potential to get a person in shape by the time they reach even a intermediate skill level!

I also created a brief tutorial on how I built the instrument, here - and another video, showing the sawtooth-wave output is here.
